Chapter 7 - Caroline

Caroline was really looking forward to a night out with her mother. It had been a while since they'd been out, just the two of them. Caroline knew that they had a lot to talk about, and her mother was still a bit sensitive about the fact that Caroline was a vampire. But slowly she'd started to accept it, and Caroline could talk to her mother about it. Caroline turned around the corner and saw a man standing in front of her. She could only see his back, but she could feel the hope building up inside of her.
"Klaus?" She called out. But when the man turned around it wasn't him. In fact, she had now idea who it was. The man raised one eyebrow and stared at her for a while before he turned and started to walk away. Caroline sighed and tried not the feel disappointed, but the feeling was already building up inside her.
"Think about Tyler.." She whispered to herself. "Sweet and lovely Tyler. whom I love very much.. He is the one I want to be.." She didn't have time to finish her sentence. A scream filled the air. Her mothers scream. Caroline didn't care that someone might be able to see her abnormal speed, she started to run.

Caroline reached the place she was supposed to met her mother, but she wasn't there. There was blood on the ground and her mothers phone was in pieces. Caroline's pulse stared to raise and the could feel the panic in her stomach.
"Mom?" She screamed, but no answer. "MOM?!" Caroline started to pace back and forth and calling out her mothers name. She had no idea were to look for her mother.
Caroline picked up her phone and started to scroll threw all the names in her phonebook. Elena, Damon, Stefan, Bonnie.. She had no idea who she should call, and if she even wanted to call anyone of her friends. She found Tyler's number, and decided to call him. Maybe he could sniff out her mother or something. When she heard the first signal in the phone, she also heard something else. It was the song Tyler used on his phone when she called him, Ever Fallen in Love. Caroline lowered the phone from her ear and tried to listen were the music came from. After a few seconds of focusing, she understood that it came from the forest. Caroline slowly started to walk into the forest, trying to handle all this information that was flowing threw her brain. Her mother was gone, taken. And Tyler was close, out in the forest at the exact same time.
"Tyler?" Caroline called out his name and the second after she heard a branch brake and the music from Tyler's cell phone stopped. He was close. She walked around a group of big trees and screamed. Her mother was lying on the ground, and standing on all four over her was Tyler. His hands were bloody, and Caroline's mother had a big wound on her head. When Caroline screamed, Tyler jumped up and turned around to face Caroline. His mouth was bloody, and it was dripping down on the ground. The forest was so silent that Caroline could hear the dripping from his mouth.
"Tyler..?" Caroline whispered. She was in shock. Her mother had also a big wound on her ankle, as if she'd been dragged into the forest. Tyler stared back at Caroline. He shook his head and looked surprised, like he just got here too and was surprised to see Caroline. Then he looked down on the ground. When he saw the Sheriff lying there, bloody and unconscious, he fell backwards and used his arms and legs to move backwards. Away from Liz. When his hands got covered in leaves and dirt because of the blood on his hands, Tyler started to scream. He looked up at Caroline, she was still frozen in the position.
"Caroline! What happened here? Why are my hands covered in blood?" He whispered with a scared tone in his voice.
"You're asking me?!" Caroline screamed back at him and she was finally able to move. She kneeled next to her mother and tried to find a pulse. Caroline could see now that the wound on her head and leg wasn't alone. Her mother was bleeding from her shoulder and one of her fingers was missing.
"Come on.." Caroline whispered desperately when she was looking for a pulse. "Come on!" She put her ear against her mothers chest and tried to hear her pulse. Liz wasn't breathing. Tyler curled up against a tree and started to hyperventilate and tears were building up in his eyes.
"Caroline... I.."
"SHUT UP! This is all your fault!" Caroline screamed at Tyler and fumbled after her phone. With trembling fingers she called 911.
"911. What's your emergency?" A calm voice in the other line answered.
"My mother, she's been attacked by something. She's bleeding and I can't find a pulse. And I don't know what to do anymore...." Caroline said with a voice filled with panic. The women on the other line started to guide her threw how to do CPR and promised that an ambulance was on the way. Caroline put the phone on the ground and started to do CPR on her mother. If she could just get a pulse.. Then she could give her mother her blood and save her. After a few seconds, she could feel it. Her mothers pulse. The relief washed over Caroline like a big wave and she bit her own wrist and started to feed her mother the healing vampire blood.
"When the ambulance get here, I want you gone." Caroline said to Tyler without looking up. The silence in the woods was ear-piercing.
"Caroline, I need to.."
"Tyler! Just don't!" Caroline screamed and looked up at him. "I never want to see your face again, do you hear me?" She could feel the tears building up inside her.
"But I love you.." Tyler whispered. "I would do anything for you! I don't even know what's happened here!" Caroline stared at him for a few seconds, and then looked down at her mother. She was drinking the blood on her own now. After ten seconds, which felt like hours, she removed her wrist from her mothers mouth. The ambulance was getting closer, the sound of the siren was getting closer.
"Go." Caroline whispered. And when she looked up, Tyler was gone.


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