CHAPTER 2 - Caroline

"Okay, you all know why you are here." Damon's voice was load and clear, and he got the attention of everyone in the room. Caroline sighed quietly, and sat down on one of the school benches in the classroom. Yes, they all knew why they were there. Time to come up with a new plan on how to kill Klaus, and fail. Again. But Caroline couldn't focus, she tried  to shake away that little voice in her head that said she didn't want to do this anymore. She was getting really annoyed at Elena and Bonnie for wanting to kill him, but she was doing everything in her power to cover it. And she couldn't get Klaus's face out of her head.

"Caroline, are you even listening?" Elena's voice stopped Caroline from her daydreaming. Caroline nodded and picked up a curl from her hair and started to twist it around her finger. Elena continued:

"Well then, what do you think? Can you distract Klaus while we make the move?"

Caroline dropped the curl on her shoulder and looked down at her hands. She remember so well what had happened the last time she was sent to distract Klaus, Take a chance Caroline! Talk to me. Come on, get to know me! I dare you." and she got a bad feeling in her stomach.

"Why can't we just leave him alone? Klaus hasn't tried anything for so long now!" Everyone in the room stared at her after she had spoken.

"Are you serious?!" Damon raised his voice and screamed at her. She recoiled away from him and looked at the others for support. Elena looked the other way and Damon kicked one of the school benches over.

"Caroline, what are you talking about? We hate Klaus!" Bonnie was the first one to speak. She looked into Caroline's eyes as if she was looking for something in her mind. Caroline broke their eye contact and looked down at her hands again.

"You know what I mean, we have tried so many times and failed. And he is leaving us alone, so why don't we leave him alone?"

Bonnie, Elena, Matt, Stefan and Damon all stared at each other, confused. The silence in the room was ringing in their ears

"Caroline, did something happen the last time you were sent to distract Klaus?" Caroline looked up at Matt after he finished his question. "I'm to smart to be seduced by you." "Well, that's why I like you."

"No, nothing. I just don't want to get killed, and I don't want anyone of my friends or people I love get killed either." Caroline shook her head as if she wanted them not to ask anymore question. She could see in the corner of her eye how Elena looked at Bonnie, and Bonnie shrugged.

"I don't want to be a part of a new plan. So if you want someone to distract Klaus, don't cont me in." Caroline grabbed her bag and walked out from the classroom.


It was dark when she got out, and the parking lot was empty from students and teacher. She started to walk over the parking lot, towards the sidewalk when she heard something by the trees. Caroline looked around her, shrugged and started to walk again, when she heard it again. This time loader. It was a branch that cracked, and it was closer this time. Caroline's pulse started to raise, and it confused her. Why did she feel a pulse if she was dead? She tried to stay calm.

"Whoever you are, it's not funny! Step out so I can see you, I don't want to hurt you!" She called into the direction the sound appeared from.

"All right love, you're the boss."

Her stomach twisted and she got scared. Klaus walked out from the trees and looked at her over the parking lot. He was almost 20 meters away, and the little voice in Caroline's head that she tried to get rid of earlier said that was 20 meters to much. She swallowed hard.

"What are you doing here Klaus?"

He smiled at her, it was a warm smile. His voice had a loveable tone to it.

"I'm here to find out what you guys are planning on doing next to kill me. And I was hoping to se you."

Caroline blushed. She looked down at her feet, cleared her throat and decided to go with a cocky attitude.

"Well, what if I don't want to see you? The way you screamed at me the last time was not the nicest experience in my life."

She looked up from her feet and realised that he was closer, he was only about 5 meters away now.

"Well, I'm not very fond of people betraying me. You and the Salvatore brothers tried to kill me, again. So, before I snap your neck for fun, maybe you want to explain that?"

"I didn't know that they wanted to kill you! They only said to me that they wanted you out of the way!"

"You're lying!" Klaus screamed at her and with the speed of an original vampire, he was standing so close to her that his chest was touching her with every breath. He was breathing heavily. She tried not to scream.

"You knew it, and you knew that I fancied you. But you did it anyway." He was whispering. And to Caroline's big surprise, she could see tears building up in his eyes. And for the first time, she could se him for what he really was. Lonely. She looked down, avoiding his eyes.

"I.. I.. I was afraid. I didn't know what you were going to do. To me or my friends."

"I saved your life with my blood. I liked you. I would never hurt you."

"You made Tyler bite me!" She snapped at him, and look up into his eyes.

"He didn't want to fight it, he didn't even try. The second he got the order from me, he went to you and dragged you away into to woods and started to kiss your neck."

Caroline was shocked, how did he know that? She looked down at her feet again and tried to think.

She could feel how Klaus head got closer to hers, and she started to breath faster. Her stomach was fluttering. Caroline tried to shake away the feeling, but she couldn't. She liked him. When she raised her head and looked into his eyes, he was so close she could feel his breath on her lips. It was warm and it tickled a little. She smiled at him, and he smiled back down at her. He touched her chin with his hand and then brushed her cheek. He lowered his head and whispered into her ear "Caroline... I...". The moment between them died when the door into the school flung opened. Caroline moved her head fast and stared at the door. Elena was standing in the door opening.

"Caroline...? And... Klaus?!"

And the next second, Klaus was gone.




I really hope you guys like the second chapter! And please leave a comment <3


1 klarolinee<3:

i loved your klaroline storyy:))it is amazing,please keep writing :)

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